
The manifestation of the TSism was TVism, taken in re- gular doses as a tranquilizer. But this whole situation arose, not because of my early feminine conditioning and my continuing physiological incongruities, but be- cause of the fact that our society does not choose to accept extensive feminine expression in the male. True, in 1952 and in 1960, I went through extensive psychological testing, and the results proved beyond reasonable doubt that my particular mental pattern would allow me to make the operation at least a psychological success, with little post operative remorse. But I believe that the cul- mination of my dream would have been a mistake, robbing me and mine of all the pleasures we now enjoy. It dosen't seem likely that my femme-psychology will ever change. That's one of the points about a TS. Changing clothes doesn't alter the psychology, or the true expression of it. It's just a matter of the same person donning more appro- priate or aesthetically pleasing dress.

I thank God for showing me that the key that unlocks the door to the joy of free expression is not the surgeon's scalpel, but a single word, ACCEPTANCE. The social pre- sures brought to bear by Western culture's refusing to ac- knowledge the socially beneficial attributes of persons who have found and wish to express their total personali- ties, are what lead some down the road of trans-sexualism. The need to escape ! Face it! For me, (and some of YOU) without the special magic of the word acceptance, Tsism may seem the best or only answer. But the accep- tance, even partial, by that one person, one who is dear to you, father, mother, wife or sweetheart should prove all you need to make you realize that life CAN be bear- able with the equipment with which you were born.


The very moment I had my wife's acceptance of my feminine expression, the whole basis for my TS thinking dissolved. When that special person says, in effect, "All right, BE a girl, if that's what your inner nature demands, part-time, of course, then that inner nature will, or should, begin to realize a lessening of the raging URGENCY that leads ut down the TS path. Stop and weigh the pros and cons. As a TV, you can mix the best of both worlds; have a family, a rewarding job (usually much higher paying than a GG) and the pleasures of hobbies that give vent to both sides of your expression. Mine are cooking,